How the confinement be left in our daily life and in our different countries

In France, the confinement was a radical changement in our daily life.
- First, in the sport side, we can’t practice each sport we like. For me before the confinement, I’m always went to football training on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Now trainings are cancelled and it’s the same thing for all sports.
Today, the training sessions are maintained but before 8p.m with the curfew.
- Then, in the high school is very embarassing.
In Corsica but especially in my high school, class is every two weeks and wearing a mask is compulsory like all schools in France.
When we are at home, lessons are complicated to organize. We have a lot of works and course videos videos in some subjects like mathematics and sciences.
- Outside, exits and journeys without derogatory certificates are prohibited during the curfew, under penalty of a fine of 135 euros and up to 3750 euros in the event of a repeat offense. Establishments authorized to open with no longer be able to welcome the public after 8 p.m.
Before to come in Corsica, by boats or planes, all people need to be tested concerning the coronavirus three days before.
Curently, because of the spread of the virus, restaurants, bars and ski stations are closed, and a curfew from 8 p.m to 6 a.m has been introduced.

Covid-19 definements in germany
The overall principle right now : Wir bleiben zuhausel ! = We’re staying home !
Travelling nationality : - If someone isn’t able to stay at home because of their job or another well-founded reason, they need to look up how many covid-cases the destination has and the regulation of the certain federal state
- But most of the time the federal states are supporting the decisions of the chancellor Angela Merkel
Travelling internationally : - The governement appeals to the population to stay at home and avold every touristic travel plans.
- Especially in the winter months like december or january the whole skiing tourism has been canceled by the governement
- The Federal Foreign Office warns the citizens and informs them about the travel warning when its a area of risk right now
Coming back to germany after travelling : - You need to stay quarantined for ten days after you came back from a journey
- And in the future there will be a corona-test needed if wou want to enter in germany